Here is the link to sign up for Ag Progress Days 2023 in Rock Springs, PA. We need adult help in the Grilled Cheese stand as well as any help over the age of 13 for our educational booth! https://signup.com/go/RBvRzqv Hope to see you there!
For anyone who is wishing to help with the Hershey Park promotion, please sign up here: 2023 Hershey Park Allied Promotion — Signup Sheet | SignUp.com. Please sure to include your county in the comment section. These promotions are for any princess and junior representatives over the age of 13. The dates are July 19 and 27th and August 16th. All will be from 11:00am to 7:00pm. Please contact Donna Werley for any questions at 610-562-2070 or dwerley57@comcast.net.
We need Princesses and Alternates to help at All-American Dairy Show, September 17-21, 2022 to help distribute ribbons and shows. (For anyone over the age of 13.) Please sign up here to help at All-American Dairy Show: https://signup.com/go/BuuiqAQ