Each year, PDPPS chooses three county princesses to be the new state royalty team at the annual state princess pageant. The princesses are judged on public speaking, dairy industry knowledge, poise and personality. Each princess prepared a speech, presentation, radio spot and poster display promoting milk and dairy foods; submitted a scrapbook of promotion activities; took a dairy promotion knowledge test; submitted a dairy food recipe and participated in an interview with a panel of three judges.
A state dairy princess and two alternates are chosen each year.

2024 – 2025 PA State Dairy Princess Royalty Team

Charlotte Wallace
2024-2025 Pennsylvania State Dairy Princess
Mohrsville, PA
Berks County Dairy Princess
Charlotte is a current freshman at Delaware Valley University where she is planning to major in
dairy science. She helps milk at the Troutman Farm and helps with other jobs there as needed.
She is a recent graduate of Schuylkill Valley High School where she was a member of the
National Honor Society and the girls swim team. She also served as the first president of
Schuylkill Valley’s newly formed FFA program. Wallace also tends a small production hen flock
and sells eggs weekly. In her free time Charlotte enjoys hunting, fishing, learning new things,
going to fairs, and spending time with her friends and family. At the State Dairy Princess
Competition, Charlotte received honorable mention for her scrapbook and radio spot.

Sadie Innerst
2024-2025 Pennsylvania Alternate Dairy Princess
Loysville, PA
Perry County Dairy Princess
Sadie Innerst is the daughter of Steve and Colleen Innerst of Loysville, PA. Sadie is the middle
child of her family. She has two sisters, Vera and Elizabeth, and two brothers, Dominic and
Grant. Sadie is a current senior at West Perry High School. Sadie is very active in her FFA
chapter where she currently serves as Vice President. Sadie’s love for the dairy industry has
also encouraged her to be part of the Perry County Holstein Dairy Club where she serves as
secretary. Through the Holstein Club, Sadie competes in the PA Dairy Bowl competition. This
competition challenges participants on their dairy knowledge. She uses the knowledge learned
through Dairy Bowl on her family’s dairy farm. Sadie spent much time helping her family as they
transitioned to a new robotic milking facility recently. Sadie also milks cows at a neighboring
farm on the weekends. At the State Dairy Princess Competition, Sadie received honorable
mention in the recipe contest.

Morgan Larson
2024-2025 Pennsylvania Alternate Dairy Princess
Wattsburg, PA
Erie County Dairy Princess
Second alternate is Morgan Larson from Erie County. crowned by outgoing state alternate
princess Mackenzie Thomas of Lebanon County. Morgan is the daughter of Keith and Nicole
Larson. She resides in Wattsburg with her family including her younger siblings, pets, and farm
animals. She is a senior at Mercyhurst University where she is pursuing her bachelor’s degree
in management and a minor in accounting. Through Mercyhurst’s 4+1 Organizational
Leadership program, she is also pursuing her MBA. She is also a member of the university’s
honor society, Phi Eta Sigma. Morgan is a co-owner of her family’s tree service, Larson’s Tree &
Stump Removal, Inc. with her younger brother Wyatt, and parents. She’s also the Junior Fair
Board President of the Wattsburg Fair, where she volunteers her time to contribute towards
improvements for the community to enjoy. Her hobbies include quilting, kayaking, traveling, and
spending time with her family. Morgan, who’s from a family of retired dairy farmers, enjoys
learning about the industry, conversing with dairy farmers during fair week, and attending school
and state dairy promotions. Her family has a small herd of beef cows. Her goals this year
include embracing learning opportunities, encouraging all generations to consume more dairy
products, and to pass along the dairy good message to consumers.