PDPPS is made up of 45 county princess programs. Each program is run by a volunteer promotion committee.
Dairy royalty are avaialable to attend or host a variety of promotions including, but not limited to: attend
meetings (such as civic groups, PTA/PTO, MOPS/MOMS groups, and more), give speeches or
presentations, visit schools and daycares, guest write, provide recipes and give milk toasts.
If you are interested in having a local dairy representative at your event,
please contact the local county booking chair.

Adams | Rachel Mead | (814) 441-5702 |
Alleheny | Judy Grice | (724) 225-7806 |
Bedford | Angelique Walason | (814) 937-1446 |
Berks | Kristin Reppert | (717) 454-5119 |
Blair | Kristy Bigelow | (814) 515-4775 |
Bradford | Maria Jo Noble | (607) 483-1413 |
Bucks | Ruth Ann Moyer | (215) 345-7327 |
Butler | Sandy Stephenson | (724) 712-5312 |
Cambria | Ashley Pauley | (814) 961-4465 |
Centre | Candy Wasson | (814) 237-2339 |
Chester | Sharon Nolan | (610)-505-5201 |
Clarion | Allie Champluvier | (570) 721-0498 |
Crawford | Jessica Bryan | (814) 758-9970 |
Erie | Cindy Szymanski | (814) 449-4294 |
Fayette | Jessica Wolfe | (724) 880-0804 |
Franklin | Selena Horst | (717) 552-0655 |
Fulton | Katie Waite | (814) 644-9909 |
Huntingdon | Rebecca Couch | (814) 386-5229 |
Juniata | Jessica Imes | (717) 994-6695 |
Lebanon | Royell Smith | (717) 829-4929 |
Lycoming | Yvonne Fogal | (570) 584-4603 |
Mercer | Carrie Prinkey | (724) 977-8455 |
Perry | Amy Fleisher | (717) 576-7987 |
Schuylkill | Heather Dunbar | (570) 449-4795 |
Somerset | Jen Smiley | (814) 279-4956 |
Sullivan | Noreen Keeney | (570) 637-8203 |
SUN Area (Snyder, Union, Northumberland, Montour counties) |
Susan Hauck | (570) 966-3760 |
Susquehanna | Evie Goff | (570) 396-1845 |
Tioga | Cathleen Alexander | (570) 324-2547 |
Warren | Tiffany Jackson | (814) 462-8320 |
Washington | Sherry McMurray | (724) 255-9165 |
Wayne | Joan Schweighofer | (570) 224-4619 |
Wyoming-Lackawanna | Tracy Gates | (570) 479-5196 |
York | Heather Gibson | (717) 586-3118 |