For over 60 years, the Pennsylvania Dairy Princess & Promotion
Services, Inc. (PDPPS) has trained agricultural youth to speak
on the behalf of dairy farmers. The PDPPS team is made up
of three state royalty, along with county dairy princesses,
junior representatives and county volunteers.
Participants are trained in public speaking, social media, speech
writing and delivery, interpersonal skills and public appearances
The time spent as a dairy princess or junior representative
prepares individuals for a successful career and life path.
Our PDPPS team loves to share the message about the work
dairy farmers do to deliver fresh, wholesome milk and dairy
foods to you each day.
Who We Are
The Pennsylvania Dairy Princess & Promotion Services, Inc (PDPPS) is a non-profit, 501(c)(5) that oversees county dairy princesses and junior representative royalty to promote the nutritional value and benefits of incorporating dairy foods into your daily life.
Dairy princesses have been selected across Pennsylvania to serve as spokeswomen for dairy farmers. Promoters engage in various activities, including speaking opportunities, radio interviews, newspaper and social media articles, promoting dairy recipes, school and senior center visits, grocery store promotions and more.
These talented young individuals have a passion for delivering the dairy message about Pennsylvania’s official beverage – MILK!
What is a Dairy Princess?
She is a warm, friendly, well-groomed young lady with a deep love and loyalty for her family, friends and dairying. She welcomes the opportunity to speak up for dairy farmers and the dairy foods they produce… READ MORE